This Or That?

This Or That 

This week’s blog is going to focus on ‘getting to know me’.  I thought it would be fun to answer, “This or That” questions. So lets get started. 

Country or City? Answer: Country 

Dog or Cat? Answer: Dog 

Netflix or YouTube? Answer: Netflix 

Cake or Pie? Answer: Cake 

New Clothes or New Phone? Answer: New Clothes 

Rich Friend or Loyal Friend? Answer: Loyal Friend 

What’s worse, Laundry or Dishes? Answer: Dishes 

Jogging or Hiking? Answer: Hiking 

Passenger or Driver? Answer: Passenger 

Car or Truck? Answer: Truck 

Toilet paper-Over or Under? Answer: Over!!!!! 

Coffee or Tea? Answer: Coffeeeee!!! 

Iced coffee or Hot coffee? Answer:HOT 

T.V or Book? Answer: Book 

Summer or Winter? Answer: Summer (although this is just in past year. I used to love Winter, but not so much anymore) 

Sweater or Hoodie? Answer: Hoodie 

Ninjas or Pirates? Answer: Pirates 

T.V. show or Movie? Answer: Oooh, this is a hard one, but I’d have to go with Movie! 

Morning or Evening? Answer: Morning (actually I’m kind of both) 

Library or Museum? Answer: Library 

Chocolate or Vanilla? Answer: Chocolate 

Comedy or Horror? Answer: Comedy 

Hamburger or Hotdog? Answer: Being vegan, it’s hard to find a good hotdog, but there are GREAT vegan burgers, so I’d have to say…..Burgers! 

Flowers or Trees? Answer: Trees 

Witches or Wizards? Answer: Wizards 

Fruits or Vegetables? Answer: Both (but if I HAD to choose….fruits) 

Roses or Daisies? Answer: Daisies 

Money or Fame? Answer: Money 

Sandals or Sneakers? Answer: Sneakers 

Bagels or Toast? Answer: Bagels 

Weird or Crazy? Answer: Crazy 

Sweet or Salty? Answer: Salty 

Alaska or Hawaii? Answer: Hawaii 

Shower or Bath? Answer: Shower 

Breakfast or Dinner? Answer: Breakfast 

Bananas or Apples? Answer: Bananas 

Mountains or Beach? Answer: Mountains 

Pasta or Pizza? Answer: Pasta 

Pop Music or Rock Music? Answer: Rock – not real hard rock, more like old rock. 

Doughnuts or muffins? Answer: Doughnuts